September 11, 2012

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Grammar: Today we took the simple sentence assessment. For tomorrow, your assignment is to write about your morning routine USING ONLY SIMPLE SENTENCES. Underline all the subjects (but not every noun) once and all the verbs twice. For a challenge, I would like you to NOT repeat a subject or a verb twice in a row. We'll start compound sentences tomorrow.

Math: We finished the cup stacking experiment. Your assignment is to complete a reflection: Your assignment for tomorrow:
  • General feelings about this experiment.
  • What processes did you go through?
  • Problems you encountered and how you solved them.
  • What you learned.

LA: Today we focused on the topic of heroes. We watched a 12-minute YouTube video ( entitled “The Red Bandana,” which discussed the heroism of a man named Welles Crowler. For Friday, you need to write a solid paragraph response to the following journal entry:

“I see this incredible hero, running back and forth and saving the day...People can live 100 years and not have the compassion, the wherewithal to do what he did.” These words were spoken by Judy Wein, who says that Welles Crowther directed her and several others on the 78th floor to safety on 9/11, thus saving her life along with many others.

**What do you think drove Welles to be the person Judy Wein describes? Have you ever helped someone you did not know? How did it feel? Would you do it again? If you have not done this, would you, in the future, after hearing about Welles?**

SOCIAL STUDIES: Thank you for sharing your 9/11 interviews. Your variety of stories reflected the many different ways that individuals across the country were affected by this event. Being that it is the anniversary of 9/11, many activities this week will focus around this time in history, as well as the idea that humans are connected and impacted by events such as these.

A reminder: Be sure to join the Edmodo class for Social Studies, as you should have been practicing the map quizzes. Your goal is to have a 100% achievement on those quizzes.

One more reminder: Continue to work on your 5 Themes of Geography project. As of now, it is due Friday, September 21. This may change based on the length of some of our other activities. Either way, you should be devoting some outside-of-class time to this project.

One last reminder: Please remember to get your permission slips in! :)