October 23, 2012

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Conferences tonight!  It would be nice to see all of you!  We saw 21 of our 50 students at last week's conferences.  Let's see if we can get all 50 here.

Math:  We will have a double dose of math tomorrow.  My math students are reminded to complete their assignment (p.10-12).  Some students are saying that I said the assignment was only pages 11-12, but others have confirmed that the assignment was pages 10-12.  I know most students started on page 10 in the classroom yesterday.  Either way, I apologize for not being clear.  I did have a Smartboard file projected to show the assignment, but unfortunately I did not save it, so I have no way of looking back to see what I had projected on the board.  

Also a note for math students:  TOMORROW at 7 a.m. and directly after school, I plan to host a study session to review 7a & 7b from the first summative exam that you took.  The only way to retake and gain points on that particular section is to come to a study session.  This will give you a chance to clarify any misunderstanding and ask any questions that you may have.  Please take advantage of my invitation.  This is extra time I am putting in for your success.  Meet me halfway. :)

Language Arts:  Business letters are due tomorrow.  These, along with your final spooky story and your reading of the spooky story, will be 90% of your grade (because they are seen as summative assessments.  Each draft along the way and the rehearsing of reading your stories are formative/quick checks.)

Social Studies:  Final maps are due Monday.  Prepare to spend some time after school if you do not finish these in class on Monday.  Tuesday is the day that City Planners will be evaluating your map.  While it won't be until Tuesday after school, you will be practicing your presentation in case your map is the selected one.