November 8, 2016

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

It's ELECTION DAY! Urge everyone you know (who is old enough) to get out and vote! Such a wonderful right we have in this country, and so many people have worked hard to get a vote.  Very exciting day in our nation!

This week we have been reviewing grammar.  So far we have discussed subjects, predicates, prepositions, and prepositional phrases.  You have a preposition poem due TOMORROW at the end of the class period.  The instructions for this poem are copied and pasted below, as well as an example of a preposition poem.

Also below are the DLP sentences that we have had so far.  Please remember that the next test for this is scheduled for November 18.  You should be reviewing your vocabulary and the grammatical concepts involved with these sentences daily. I shared the Quizlet with you today, and we will also have one period of review in class on November 17.  The rest is up to you!

Preposition Poem Instructions
(due WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 9 at the end of the class period)

Example of  Preposition Poem

DLP 29-36 (uncorrected version--You will have to correct them and double check with a classmate for accuracy.)

DLP 29 (11/7--12 errors)
one day, romeo arrived in the malls parking lot with his cousin the quick tempered benvolio. he planned to amble threw the mall with juliet

DLP 30 (11/8-13 errors)
at the same time juliets ingenuous cousin tyblat was arriving at the mall. the 2 cars crashed a fight ensued