October 24, 2012

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Advanced Math:  No new math assignment.  I hosted a study session for questions 7a and 7b (from the first summative exam) this morning and after school.  The only way to earn points back for these questions is to come to a study session.  The second category that I will be focusing on is 4a and 4c, which is the question that asked you to determine the rate of change and initial value by looking at an equation and from a graph.

Language Arts:  Since we had a change of plans today, we had no Language Arts.  There are several of you that still did not get your letter in.  This is due to me by Friday.  On Monday, we will print out letters, and then you will hand deliver them to your parents/guardians.  We will also put the final touches on our spooky stories on Monday, and then on Tuesday, we will discuss and practice good oral reading skills.

Social Studies:  We took some time today to finish up the City Planning project maps.  All of you did a wonderful job presenting.  On Monday and Tuesday, you will have time to revise your plan as necessary so that the City Planners can evaluate your work after the Student Council meeting on Tuesday.  Otherwise, for Social Studies, make sure that you have taken care of the map work and anything Mr. Sprain has assigned.

Have a GREAT four-day weekend!