February 18, 2013

Monday, February 18, 2013

First of all, a BIG CONGRATULATIONS to those who are moving on to the regional NHD competition:  Natalie, Grace A. and Amanda, Ben, and Annika.  I am here to support you and give you feedback, so please do not hesitate to come and discuss NHD with me.  To the rest of you, CONGRATULATIONS on making it through your first NHD journey!  All of you worked so hard, and I am proud of your efforts!

Here are some other notes from today:

Advanced Math:  You had the chance to see your summative assessment grades for the quadratic unit.  If you do not like your score, you can take a (different) test to show your knowledge--but not until after you participate in two study sessions for each part.  Please come and talk to me to set this up.  Study sessions will be Monday, Wedneday, and Friday after school.  (Tuesday and Thursday I have Student Council and Yearbook, but once you get to a retake, you are welcome to retake on those days.)

Language Arts:  This week, we are just silent reading.  I will be requiring some journaling toward the end of the week.

Social Studies/Odyssey Project: You and your group member(s) should have read your chapter from the Odyssey.  Tomorrow is your last day to read, and then you'll begin to create your 3-minute skit for the class movie.