September 30, 2018

THURSDAY, OCTOBER 11, 2018 (originally posted 9/30)

Thursday, October 11, 2018

  • Conferences are tonight (3:15-7:15) and Monday (noon-8). If you attend conferences with your parent/guardian, you get one extra credit point. Put it on any reading or writing assignment you choose!
  • Tomorrow is our quiz.
    • Your assignment for tomorrow besides studying is to make sure you have highlighted story element hints throughout "Harrison Bergeron."  This is a reading assignment. It is graded.
    • Bring your study guide (half-sheet) back tomorrow for one point extra credit. Read the instructions so you complete everything you need to complete for the extra credit (identifying the underlined poetic devices in "Harrison Bergeron" and answering the three questions on the very last page of "Harrison Bergeron."
    • Study your words on Quizlet.
    • Bring your "best friend" tomorrow to assist you with the poetic device section of the quiz.
  • This weekend is Hmong New Year
    • The class period with the highest percentage of Hmong New Year attendees (who also turn in their Hmong New Year assignment) gets OREOS!
    • Don't forget to do your assignment--due TUESDAY.


  • DLP Vocab
  • Poetic Devices
  • Dystopian Literature Elements
Scroll down to see the DLP vocab (also on Quizlet, search for user pjohnson), poetic devices (also check "your best friend" handout) and dystopian literature elements (also in your notes).



Due Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Choose ONE of the following options & turn in your assignment on Tuesday, 10/16.

Option #1
  1. Attend the Hmong New Year event (Saturday, October 13 - Sunday, October 14 from 8-5 at Veteran’s Memorial Park in West Salem). You do not have to attend an entire day or both days.
  2. Take a picture of you near one of the booths/events.
  3. Write one strong paragraph about your experience.
  4. Entrance is free, but there is a $15 parking charge per vehicle each day.
Option #2
  1. Attend the Hmong New Year Night Event at the La Crosse Center on October 13 from 6 pm to midnight. (You do not have to attend the entire six hours.)
  2. Similar to Option #1, take a selfie and write one strong paragraph about your experience.
  3. Cost is $15 per person.
Option #3
  1. Research the reasons the Hmong people left their original countries to come to the United States.
  2. Write at least TWO paragraphs summarizing your research in your own words.
  3. LIST YOUR SOURCES (tell where you found your information)
Option #4
  1. Interview Mr. Lo, Mr. Yang, or a Hmong elder that you know personally about the Hmong culture.
  2. Ask them about important customs and beliefs that are central to the Hmong culture.
  3. Write at least TWO strong paragraphs describing these customs in your own words.
Option #5
  1. If you are part of the Hmong culture and celebrate its heritage, write two paragraphs talking about your favorite Hmong traditions and activities.
  2. Share a photo of you or someone in your family that represents what you write.
Option #6
  1. If you are part of the Hmong culture and celebrate its heritage, bring in an artifact related to your culture.
  2. Share the artifact with your reading/writing class, telling the history behind the artifact or a related story.

Here are the uncorrected versions of each DLP in case you need to practice.  See me if you are unsure how to correct them.

DLP #1 (9/6) every day in this spot you will be regaled with a sentence or 2 from the revised tragic tale of romeo and juliet 2 star crossed lovers of long ago

DLP #2 (9/7) this story however is a less tragic version of shakespeares lugubrious tale and it is set in modern times with several new twists

DLP #3 (9/10) much of the action takes place at the verona mall in a town called tragedy florida

DLP #4 (9/11) one fine sunny day a lovely young lady named juliet capulet took her meager clothing allowance and went to verona mall with a freind

DLP #5 (9/13) when the two girls arrived at the mall they encountered some other classmates from there school

DLP #6 (9/14) helena ophelia miranda cordelia and cressida lets all go shopping cried exultant juliet

DLP #7 (9/17) yes lets said cressida i have a plethora of money to spend on clothes this month. ill bet you do groaned helena

DLP #8 (9/18) my parents are such misers whispered juliet i wish i had cressidas money

DLP #9 (9/19) after purchasing a red skirt a striped blouse and a pair of pink shorts juliets monthly allowance had all been dispersed

DLP #10 (9/19) suddenly over the loudspeaker a voice announced that the band the noisome trio would be playing in the center of the verona mall at 4 o’clock

DLP #11 (9/26) wow lets go here them cried exuberant and broke juliet come on girls awesome said cressida

DLP #12 (9/27) the 6 girls trekked to the center of the mall. their might even be dancing said perky helena. there may be some cute boys added cressida.

DLP #13 (10/1) as the girl's arrived at the malls' center the band was blaring and some kids were already dancing oh lets boogie sang juliet

DLP 14 (10/2) suddenly juliet froze and the hole mall seemed to stop moving and from across the amphitheater a pair of baby blue eyes bored into hers. oh she breathed

DLP 15 (10/3) romeo a dapper young man with many freinds had frozen as well. he was besotted by the beauty of the girl. im in love mercutio he murmured to his pal

DLP 16 (10/4) everything between the 2 young people seemed to vanish and they approached each other with love stamped on there visages. oh hes a doll wailed cressida

DLO 17 (10/8) romeo and juliet ignored there friends and oscillated to the music. where do you go to school asked romeo. shakespeare high school replied juliet

DLP 18 (10/8) the next day a note arrives at the door of juliets abode it was from romeo