September 24, 2012

Monday, September 24, 2012

Today we had an abbreviated science/language arts schedule to make time for students' social studies presentations.  We will do the same thing tomorrow.

Grammar:  Today, students took their simple sentence assessments and moved on to compound sentences.  We'll focus on compound sentences the next couple days.  No new homework.

Math:  A quiz on slope and integers started out the class period today.  Students then had the choice to pair up or work independently to complete Investigation 2.1.  We will complete 2.2 in class tomorrow.

LA: Students set up accounts with and were shown the three assignments focusing on apostrophes.  These assignments are simply practice for a quiz that will take place on Monday.  They will not count toward the LA grade.  However, the quiz will.  This site does a good job of explaining the rules of punctuation.  We will have some time to complete those assignments in class tomorrow, and then we'll get back into focusing on spooky stories.

Social Studies: We continued with student presentations on the 5 themes of geography and will do so again tomorrow.  Students should continue to practice their geography of Russia by using the maps that are on Edmodo.  If students haven't signed up for the Social Studies class via Edmodo yet, they need to do so.

Any questions, comments, concerns, just call/email/talk to me.