Grammar: We continued our study on simple sentences, focusing on sentences with unusual sentence structure. Assignment for tomorrow: complete the half sheet (front and back), identifying subjects and verbs in sentences that have unusual order.
Math: No new homework. We reviewed math vocabulary, including linear relationships, variables (dependent vs. independent), y-intercept, axes, and slope. We will continue to do a more in-depth discussion about slope tomorrow, and there will be an associated assignment with that. We will also look more at finding relationships between two variables as well (finding the pattern, etc.)
Language Arts: No new homework for LA. We are continuing our study of literary elements. Today we discussed ways to add mood to a story, or ways that writers present mood via their writing. We'll continue our focus with this tomorrow as well.
Social Studies: Students continued to work on their 5 Themes projects, which students need to be ready to present on Friday. Each group also needs to submit a focus question to Edmodo, which will become part of an assessment for this unit.
Please check Skyward for missing assignments. Students who have late work must stay after school to get their work completed.