March 4, 2013

Monday, March 4, 2013

Guided Reading/Grammar:  Please bring your notebooks every day this week so we can get caught up on the grammar notes.

Advanced Math:  For tomorrow, you should complete both 1.1 and 1.2.

Language Arts

Block 1:  You met with me today for a megablock (9:30-noon).  During this time, you should have finished your Tic-Tac-Toe activities for sections 1-3 and finished your discussion on Studywiz.  If either of these items are not completed, I expect them to be finished by tomorrow morning (snow day or not).  Students who do not have their TTTs turned in by tomorrow morning will have a one-hour detention with me.  For Wednesday, you should finish reading section 4, do one TTT response to that section, and be prepared for another online discussion.

Block 2:   By tomorrow, you should have read the first three sections of your book.  You should also have the first three tic-tac-toe responses completed.  We will participate in an online discussion group using Studywiz tomorrow (for which I will give you the usernames, passwords, and instructions tomorrow).  Obviously, if there is a snow day tomorrow, we will follow this same procedure on Wednesday.  Take your books home tonight either way.

Social Studies:  Mr. Sprain put the next map on Edmodo, and he will go over the plan for social studies with you while you are with him.