September 26, 2017

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Today our text structure assignments were due.  It will take me a couple days to grade these. If you were absent or did not get yours in, please get it in as soon as you can. If you have questions, please, please, please come talk to me. Don't let things simmer. :) 

Some of you were done early and some extra credit challenges were offered to you.  Here they are in case you did not grab a list when you were here today.  


Challenge Assignment--due Friday

*3 points extra credit if done well*

Create a fictitious newspaper from a historical time period, with at least four different “news” articles that highlight different aspects of that time period. Each of the articles you include must be written using at least two different text structures. Include a few different sections of the newspaper (headlines, business, education, sports, obituaries, letters to the editor, your choice), and give your newspaper an appropriate title.


Wisconsin State Capitol Centennial Essay Contest--due October 5

*2 points extra credit if done well*

Essay theme: one typed or neatly handwritten page describing the importance of the Capitol building and what it means to Wisconsin
Due to ME by Thursday, October 5 by the end of the day

Prize:  Selected essays will be on display on the first floor of the Capitol building from November 9-30


Patriot’s Pen—VFW Patriotic Essay Writing Contest--due October 20

*3 points extra credit if done well*

Essay theme: “America’s Gift to My Generation”
Due to ME by Friday, October 20 by the end of the day
300-400 words

You are judged on how well you understand, develop, and present the theme. A positive approach is recommended to express your viewpoint.

Knowledge of theme 30 points
Theme development 35 points
Clarity of Ideas 35 points

Do not identify yourself within your essay (no name, school, city, state, race, national origin). We have an entry form for you to fill out and staple to your essay.

Prizes (Nationally):
1st $5000        7th $1750
2nd $4000        8th & 9th $1,500
3rd $3500        10th and 11th $1000
4th $2750        12th, 13th, 14th $1000
5th 2500        15th & 16th $750
6th $2000        17th-54th $500

Again, see me if you have any questions.