Happy 11-12-13! Sorry I've not updated in a while. With WKCE testing, coupled by my missing school for curriculum meetings both Friday and yesterday, it's been a little crazy. We are in the midst of both NHD and debates this week and next, and then we'll get back to a more regular schedule.
Advanced Math: Students need to complete 1.2 and ACE questions 7-10 (NOT pages 7-10 but QUESTIONS 7-10). Also, if you don't already bring a notebook to class, you need to bring one. We need to start organizing our information on a regular basis, and you need to start writing down examples of what we are doing in class.
Students received their tests and final first quarter grades. If you plan on a retake, you need to attend a study session before you retake a session. No more than 4 students can attend a study session at one time. It just gets too hard to give every student proper attention if too many students attend at one time. I already have 3 students coming each day this week after school, as well as two coming at 6:30 on Friday morning. Please come to these study session ready to really focus and learn the material. I spend a lot of time preparing these lessons and the retakes, and it's not fun if people show up and goof around rather than focus on the task at hand.
Language Arts: Language Arts standards are infused with the debate projects this week and next week, as well as with Social Studies through the NHD focus these next two weeks.
Debates: You should be researching both sides of your topic all this week. Tomorrow, you will start out in your topic groups again, but then you will be dismissed to your actual debate room, where you will be assigned a role and begin the process of planning the debate.
NHD: You should continue to read up on the topic you chose so you can complete that green sheet that we gave you. Remember to be sure to have a source (a book/article/website, etc.) listed on each side of the green sheet. Once your topic is approved, you need to continue researching. You are going to need several different sources, some primary and some secondary.