Language Arts:
Finish reading the book, and be sure all your journals are complete. (Remember to provide TEXTUAL EVIDENCE for all of these except journal entries 1, 3, and 5!!!!) The journals are worth a total of 40 points, and in class discussion is worth 10 points. The compare/contrast assignment will be worth 30 points.
Journal Entry 1- At the end of chapter 1 the narrator tells us that one of the tenants is a mistake. Who do you think the mistake is and why? Provide reasoning in your journal. (No textual evidence required)
Journal Entry 2- Pick two characters from the novel. What positive and negative traits do they have? Make a Venn diagram. Label the circles with the names of the characters and fill in the circles with their similar and different traits. Use textual evidence to prove your answers.
Journal Entry 3- Imagine that you are planning your own Westing game. Write out your own, imaginary will. Make sure to use language that is suitable and appropriate to will-writing. (No textual evidence required)
Journal Entry 4- Some character in this book might be conflicted about sharing their clues with loved ones. If you were in The Westing Game, would you share clues with others in order to get their clues? Provide examples of characters who are conflicted about sharing their clues in the book.
Journal Entry 5- Pretend that you are the author, Ellen Raskin. Your editor has told you that the book will never make the bestseller list unless you add another interesting character. What does this character do? What are they like? Describe the new character and the role they will play in changing the novel. (No textual evidence required)
Journal Entry 6- Who do you think killed Sam Westing? Why? Provide support for your answer.
Journal Entry 7-List as many reasons as possible as to why someone might make a false confession. Has anyone in this book made a false confession? If so, who?
Create a chart with three different classifications: Likely suspects, possible suspects, and least likely suspects. Fill in the chart with the names of all 16 Westing heirs.
Journal Entry 8- Write a letter to the author, Ellen Raskin, telling her about your experience reading this book. What was your favorite part? What was your least favorite part? Why?
NHD/Social Studies: There are three main parts to the NHD project that need to be completed by the end of the month:
- A well planned out, neat, and thorough project
- An annotated bibliography
- A process paper (This has not been introduced yet. If you want to get a head start, I believe the information is in the student guide that I uploaded to Edmodo under the NHD group. You don't have to start this yet, though. Just know that it is coming and that it is a requirement.)