It's Friday! What a busy week!
Advanced Math: Students took another formative assessment (quiz) on exponents and then we prepared to begin 2.3 in their Common Core Investigations book. I posted several integer practice games for students who are still struggling with integers, and I strongly encourage those students to practice for 10 minutes every night until they have a pretty good handle on integers. Integers are something that was covered quite heavily last year, and being proficient at using them is crucial for later mathematical success. I also posted to Edmodo the two Khan Academy videos we partially viewed yesterday in class. I encourage students to check out Khan Academy if they need more explanation on something that is covered in class. They've got quite a few great videos on their site.
Language Arts: Because it is Friday, we had an extended social studies time, which means no language arts classes today. If students have everything in, they have no homework, except to read 30 minutes nightly. On Monday, we will be covering Common Core standard 7.2 in the Reading Information Text strand, which reads that students "determine two or more central ideas in a text, analyze the development of two or more central ideas over the course of the text, and provide an objective summary of the text. We will be using texts associated with Russia, not to just cover these standards and social studies content, but also to serve as a springboard for questions/discussion for our Russian visitor on Tuesday.
Social Studies: Today the students started to create their final city planning proposals. Next week, we will begin rehearsing their presentations.