Language Arts: Your job for tonight is to read the next three chapters: 19, 20, 21. No journal entry for today (so a perfect time to get CAUGHT UP or IMPROVE your journals up to this point.)
REMINDER ABOUT OUR WALKING FIELD TRIP TO THE MAIN LIBRARY THIS WEEK, 9:30-noon. Block 1 will go Wednesday, and Block 2 will go Thursday. Dress appropriately, bring your library card and checked out books (especially if they are checked out on my card!) Let me know if you have questions.
NHD/Social Studies: There are three main parts to the NHD project that need to be completed by the end of the month:
- A well planned out, neat, and thorough project
- An annotated bibliography
- A process paper (This has not been introduced yet. If you want to get a head start, I believe the information is in the student guide that I uploaded to Edmodo under the NHD group. You don't have to start this yet, though. Just know that it is coming and that it is a requirement.)