November 21, 2013

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Wow! What a whirlwind of a week! The debates went very well, and we will unveil the winners on Monday.  I hope the suspense isn't too hard on you! :)

Advanced Math:
Students should complete their "1.1: Extensions of Looking for Pythagoras" worksheet/list of tasks.  We will discuss this assignment and continue with bookwork tomorrow.  Students with missing work need to be sure to complete that work soon so they don't fall too far behind.

Language Arts/Social Studies/Science:
We have integrated these subjects via the debate unit and NHD, and tomorrow we will have a regular schedule. Here are some notes about both debate and NHD.
  • Debates:  You are required to write a six-paragraph debate essay based on the notes that you took during debates the last couple of days.  If you did not get great notes, you are welcome to do a little bit of research on your own.  Tomorrow in Science class, you will be given a frame for writing this essay, and it will be due by the end of the period.  Please come prepared with the necessary information, such as your notes or research and your iPad--or a writing utensil and paper if your iPad isn't available.
  • NHD:  You should have your green sheet completed and approved by this point.  If not, you need to make that a priority.  Tomorrow in Language Arts, I will be teaching you how to write a thesis statement for your NHD project.  If you have fallen behind on your research, you are going to struggle to write this statement. Please try to get caught up tonight.
Reminder:  The Packer/Viking food drive is going on! Please bring your non-perishable food items.  Donated items will stock our very own pantry.