September 12, 2012

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

 Grammar: Students saw their simple sentence assessment scores today, and we started a discussion on compound sentences. We'll continue that lesson tomorrow and have some activities that will help solidify understanding of compound sentences.

Math: Today we solved some linear equations to warm up the class and took two standardized assessments for math fluency and computation. Tomorrow we will continue in Thinking with Math Models. Remember to complete your math reflection by tomorrow. (See yesterday's blog entry for the directions.)

Language Arts: Tis the season for district standardized assessments! Students completed a standardized reading comprehension assessment today. Tomorrow the SWAT (school wide assessment team) will be pulling every student for an oral reading fluency assessment, and lastly, on Friday, students will complete a district writing prompt assessment. Otherwise, we went over examples of similes and metaphors today, and I introduced the students to eight different stations that they will be rotating through tomorrow. We'll be heading into phrases and clauses Friday, and then next week we start our spooky story unit. Don't forget to revise your first journal entry (due yesterday) and complete your second journal entry, which is due Friday. Directions are in yesterday's blog entry.

Social Studies: Please continue working on your group project, which is due NEXT Friday. Also be sure to log in to the social studies class on Edmodo so that you can study for the map test. This map test is one of many assessments for social studies and the final score that Mr. Sprain and I see will be part of your social studies grade.

Reminders and due dates:
  • Math students (only Johnson's class): math reflection is due tomorrow
  • LA students: Journal Entry #2 is due Friday
  • Social Studies: 5 Themes Project is due next Friday
  • Permission slips still need to be turned in from some students. EVERY STUDENT—not just those who will be taking medication during field trips—needs to return the medical form also.
I'm available before and after school on most days. Please see me if you need help.