February 16, 2017

Thursday, February 16, 2017

Reading Responses for Blocks 1 and 2 
Students created a reader's response blog on Google Drive and shared it with me. Title of the blog is their first name and then the words "Reading Response Blog". Completion Points for the creation of the "blog." This is where all reading responses should be typed from now on.

Students had to write a paragraph about what would make a good gift for their main character. They had to have a full paragraph with at least five sentences for full credit.

After independent reading, students had to write a summary, draw a picture and write what it represented, and ask three questions.

Students had to write a five-sentence (or more) prediction of their story and then explain why they feel this is what will happen next, using details from the story to support their prediction.

Students read and had to write a paragraph telling which of their main characters would get along best with their friends. For full credit, they needed ample text evidence and at least 5 well written sentences.

Students had to persuade a character in their book to do something (related to what is happening in the book). They had to use text evidence to support their persuasion.

Pick one piece of text evidence (and put it in quotes) and write one paragraph talking about what is going on in your book in connection with that quotation (5 sentences, 3 DLP)

Write a sequel to the part of the book that you just read, adding a new character into the story. Minimum: 5 sentences, 3 DLP words


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