September 10, 2012

Monday, September 10, 2012

Grammar—Simple sentence quiz tomorrow! Be prepared! If you review your notes, you should be good-to-go!

Math—We absolutely must finish the cup stacking project tomorrow so we don't get too far behind with the rest of the “Thinking with Math Models” book. I will demonstrate for you how I went about solving the problem.

Language Arts—Your assignment for tomorrow is to revise your paragraph about how you would change your room. Anyone getting less than 4 points the second time around will be asked to come in for a study session so that I can teach you specifically what you are having a hard time with.

Social Studies—September 11 interview due TOMORROW! Be ready please. The 5 Themes project is now due Friday, September 21. We figured you would need more time to complete this project since we are viewing the September 11 video. Please make sure you log in to the Social Studies class on Edmodo so that you can practice the geography of the Eastern hemisphere. Only 9 of you had signed up by about noon today.

Just a note—I get to school at 6:50 a.m. every morning, and I often stay past 4. If you need extra help on something, need something explained in a different way, or just need a quiet place to work (or access to technology), please feel free to join me. We do have staff meetings once a month, so on those days I'm not available in the morning—including this coming Friday, and I will have Student Council meetings in my room twice a month, starting next Tuesday. You are still welcome to come on Student Council days, but you will not have my attention, and it may not be very quiet.

Oh, and a reminder... Please get those permission slips in ASAP! As always, email or message me on Edmodo with concerns.