December 13, 2016

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

DLP TEST is MONDAY! Be ready!

Below you will also see directions for the following items:
  • Journal Entry #1
  • Journal Entry #2
  • Journal Entry #3
  • Journal Entry #4
  • Journal Entry #5
  • Journal Entry #6
  • Journal Entry #7
  • Preposition Poem
  • "I Can't Write a Poem" poem
  • Ode 
  • Haiku
  • DLP Test Retake Assignment
  • Reading Response 12/5
  • Reading Response 12/8
  • Reading Response 12/13
  • Theme Assignment 12/8

Daily Language Practice

The next DLP quiz will be Monday, December 12.  The uncorrected DLP sentences are below.  Please study your vocabulary daily, as this will ensure a better chance of acing the quiz!

DLP 37 (11/28--16 errors)
before romeo could find his paramour his parents arrive on the scene. romeo you are grounded for a month for this you will allso be banished to your grandmothers house until you get over this foolish girl they chided

DLP 38 (11/29)
juliets parents’ had also arrived to find there daughter. never see that swine romeo again they said. why dont you go out with that nice boy named paris. hes rich they added

DLP 39 (11/30)
that evening juliets parents’ hear the dolorous sobs of there daughter as she cried to her best friend miranda

DLP 40 (12/1)
oh miranda what am i going to do she lamented as she laid sobbing on her bed

DLP 41 (12/2)
im worried about that cousin of mine who is like a inflamed rhinoceros when it comes to his car and im allso devastated by the fact that romeo is grounded and banished to his Grandmothers house 50 miles away

DLP 42 (12/5)
juliet continues to shed copious tears and added me and him will never never see eachother again 

DLP 43 (12/6)
juliet why dont you ask your battleship of an aunt to help you suggested miranda. shell discern what to do and shes always on you’re side

DLP 44 (12/7)
miranda my friend your write sighed juliet aunt nurse is like a tank she will fathom the problem and keep bulldozing on until it solved

Journal Entries
Journal Entry #1: Tell me something I probably do not know about you.  (FULL PARAGRAPH--topic sentence, supporting sentences, concluding sentence--minimum of five focused sentences for full credit)

Journal Entry #2:  Tell me what you did over Thanksgiving Break. Use at least three of our DLP vocabulary words from this year in your writing. (FULL PARAGRAPH--topic sentence, supporting sentences, concluding sentence--minimum of five focused sentences for full credit)

Journal Entry #3: What is an experience you will never forget? Use at least three of our DLP vocabulary words from this year in your writing. (FULL PARAGRAPH--topic sentence, supporting sentences, concluding sentence--minimum of five focused sentences for full credit)

Journal Entry #4: What is culture? In five sentences or more, describe what “culture” means to you.  Give specific examples to support your definition.

Journal Entry #5:  Who is the “storyteller” in your home/family? What are some stories you have heard over and over at family events? Is there a special place your family records memories? (Five sentences, 3 DLP words)

Journal Entry #6:  What are some places you really like to be? Do you have a favorite room in your home or someone else’s home? Or a favorite place to sit and relax? Think of places, inside or outside, that you really, really enjoy or find relaxing or happy.  Write about these places.  Remember:  For full credit, you need a well written paragraph (topic sentence, supporting details, concluding paragraph) AND 3 DLP words.

Journal Entry #7: What are some products, hobbies, events or foods/drinks that represent you and why? (In other words, people might think of you when they see these products or go to these events.) Full credit = 5 sentences, 3 DLP words

Preposition Poem

"I Can't Write a Poem" poem


*Write at least 5 haiku
*All on the same topic
*Must be typed in GOOGLE DRIVE and shared with me (editing permissions)
*Must have proper number of syllables (5, 7, 5)
*Include sensory details
*Challenge:  Include at least one other poetic/sound device in each of your poems

DLP Retake Assignment
**For the most recent test (DLP 29-36), you need to write a story using each one of the DLP words in a way that demonstrates your understanding of the word.  In other words, somewhere in your sentence, the definition of the word should be embedded into the story.  It should be so obvious that only a synonym of the word could be used in the word's place.
**For previous DLP exams, you must make an appointment with me for a study session and then you can retake the test.

Reading Response 12/5
What do you think will happen next in the story and why? Write at least one paragraph with five sentences.  Use text evidence and your own experiences/knowledge to support your prediction.
 Theme Assignment 12/8
 After reading the poem "Identity" by Julio Noboa Polanco (see below), write what you think the theme of the poem could be.  Then list at least three examples of text evidence that support this theme.

Identity by Julio Noboa Polanco

Let them be as flowers
always watered, fed, guarded, admired,
but harnessed to a pot of dirt.

I'd rather be a tall, ugly weed,
clinging on clffs, like an eagle
wind-wavering above high, jagged rocks.

To have broken through surface of stone,
to live, to feel exposed to the madness
of the vast, eternal sky.
To be swayed by the breezes of an ancient sea,
carrying my soul, my seed,

I'd rather be unseen, and if
then shunned by everyone,
than to be a pleasant-smelling flower,
growing in clusters in the fertile valley,
where they are praised, handled, and plucked
by greedy human hands.

I'd rather smell of musty, green stench
than of sweet, fragrant lilac.
If I could stand alone, strong and free,
I'd rather be a tall ugly weed.

Reading Response 12/5 
Write a “book-fommercial” to convince or persuade others to read this book. For full credit, it needs to be at least five sentences, use at least three DLP words, and be persuasive. 
Reading Response 12/13
Write a paragraph to a character in the book. Tell him/her what you are thinking about his/her situation right now. Tell him/her how you would react in their situation.