September 17, 2012

Monday, September 17, 2012

Grammar--Today we switched art/grammar groups, and the new grammar group focused on simple sentences.  We will continue with simple sentences, subjects, and verbs tomorrow.

Because of our science-focused field trip to Myrick/Hixon/EcoCenter today, we did not have any core classes after grammar and the below reminders are the same from Friday.  The students were fabulous on the field trip, worked hard to take care of some invasive species and helped do some trail work.  Every student was helpful and not a single one complained.  Great job, seventh grader CC Pod students!

         p.15, 5(a-f) and 6 (a-b)
         p. 23 1-3
         Be ready for a quiz—first formative assessment grade!

LA--No new homework. But you should be reading at least 20 minutes nightly (and catching up on any missing homework if you have it).

Social Studies--Remember you need to be ready to present your 5 Themes project on Friday.  You should also be practicing your map quizzes so that we when do a final run for a grade, you will be prepared.