March 15, 2013

Friday, March 15, 2013

Advanced Math:  No new homework

Language Arts:  EVERYONE should be finished with their books.  ALL tic-tac-toe responses should be handed in by now, and all discussion board responses should be complete.  To break this down, see the below list:

**LA Written Requirements--Handed in to Mrs. J:6 tic-tac-toe responses:  Each one must be at least 7 sentences, with textual evidence quoted within your response (and page numbers where you found the quoted information included).  These can be typed, but what you type online DOES NOT count.  Anyone who is missing these things by Monday can expect to stay after school every day until caught up.

**LA Online Discussion Requirements--Completed via Studywiz:
  • 6 TTT summaries--For this, you had to briefly (2-3 sentences) summarize your responses that you handed in to me.  You should include textual evidence.
  • 1 character reflection--For this, you had to describe one character's personality and then give textual evidence to support that personality.  (For example, if you say a main character is shy, you tell what he says or does that shows shyness.)
  • Thoughtful Question--For this, you had to pose a thought-provoking question from the book.  For example, if the characters from your book were real and right in front of you, what are some questions you might ask them?  The question should generate discussion from your group members.
  • New Ending--For this, you need to explain how you would like the story to end or, if you liked the ending, how it COULD have ended.
  • Responses to ALL of the above--You need to respond to every group member's responses to the above items.  Obviously, if you are way behind due to not using class time wisely, this is quite a challenging task!  I will be grading these on Monday, so whatever is in on Monday is what I will grade.

Social Studies:  Mr. Sprain put a map on Edmodo that needs to be studied for that particular assessment.  We will be jumping into some new things for Social Studies next week, so please be prepared.