November 13, 2012

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Advanced Math:  No new homework for students.  If they didn't finish 2.2 in class, they need to do so before class tomorrow.

Language Arts: No new homework.  Students who have missing work should be sure to take the time to get it turned in.  I'm here before school at 6:50 every morning (6:30 most Fridays) and here until 3:30-4:30 most afternoons.  Students are reminded that they can always handwrite assignments if a computer is not accessible; otherwise, many students head to the public library and use the computers there.  I'm okay with either option.  Just not doing your homework is problematic though.

Social Studies:  The students who have me for Social Studies are reminded to get their topic sheets to me by tomorrow.

Have a great day!