September 17, 2018

Monday, September 17, 2018 (updated 9/24)

QUIZ #1 of QUARTER ONE is TOMORROW... Are you prepared?

Many of you are asking about the first quiz. Here is what you can expect. Turn in your completed review sheet for an extra credit point tomorrow.
  • Vocabulary Assessment 
    • We will have 10 DLP vocab words (see the bolded words in the DLP section below, or visit my Quizlet profile by clicking here). 
    • It will be fill-in-the-blank, and you will have a word bank from which to choose the words.  
    • From there, the format will be a story that has missing words.
    • Your job will be to choose the correct word for those missing ones. 
    • If you study the definitions and practice using them in different sentences, you will do GREAT!
  • DLP Grammar Assessment
    • Know your hyphenated adjectives 
      • PJ, my two-left-footed, clumsy teacher...
      • PJ, my chocolate-obsessed teacher...
    • Know your commas
      • After addressing someone in dialogue
        • Fred, you forgot your pencil!
      • Commas in a list (Oxford is optional)
        • You also forgot your book, binder, and markers.
      • After a dependent clause
        • Before you leave the room, please grab your items.
      • Between two independent clauses
        • You forgot your items, so please come get them.
      • Between city and state 
        • Fred lives in La Crosse, Wisconsin.
      • To set off appositives and other interrupters 
        • Fred, my best friend, loves pizza.
        • Fred, however, does not like pineapple on his pizza.
  • Poetic Device Assessment: 
    • Know the definition of "poetic device"
    • Know the difference between "connotative" and "denotative"
    • Identify of at least three of poetic devices we have studied. (You will be given a piece of writing from which to find these.)

Here are the uncorrected versions of each DLP in case you need to practice.  See me if you are unsure how to correct them.

DLP #1 (9/6) every day in this spot you will be regaled with a sentence or 2 from the revised tragic tale of romeo and juliet 2 star crossed lovers of long ago

DLP #2 (9/7) this story however is a less tragic version of shakespeares lugubrious tale and it is set in modern times with several new twists

DLP #3 (9/10) much of the action takes place at the verona mall in a town called tragedy florida

DLP #4 (9/11) one fine sunny day a lovely young lady named juliet capulet took her meager clothing allowance and went to verona mall with a freind

DLP #5 (9/13) when the two girls arrived at the mall they encountered some other classmates from there school

DLP #6 (9/14) helena ophelia miranda cordelia and cressida lets all go shopping cried exultant juliet

DLP #7 (9/17) yes lets said cressida i have a plethora of money to spend on clothes this month. ill bet you do groaned helena

DLP #8 (9/18) my parents are such misers whispered juliet i wish i had cressidas money

DLP #9 (9/19) after purchasing a red skirt a striped blouse and a pair of pink shorts juliets monthly allowance had all been dispersed

DLP #10 (9/19) suddenly over the loudspeaker a voice announced that the band the noisome trio would be playing in the center of the verona mall at 4 o’clock

(See your email for a copy of the handout that you were given in class.  This was the sheet I called "your new best friend," and it has definitions and examples of each poetic device.)
  • Apostrophe
  • Enjambment
  • Hyperbole
  • Metaphor
  • Onomatopoeia
  • Personification
  • Repetition
  • Alliteration
  • Anaphora
  • Consonance
  • Epistrophe/Epiphora
  • Chorus
  • Sensory Language/imagery
  • Simile
  • Symbol