September 28, 2012

Friday, September 28, 2012

Happy Friday, everyone!

The second half of the group stayed back at Lincoln with me today.  Students went to grammar or art, then math, and finally an extended block of flipped classroom time for language arts and social studies.  Students all visited the LMC today and were able to check out novels for silent reading time.

Here are reminders of what is due on Monday/next week:
  • Character response/reading response: DUE TODAY for today's group, was due Wednesday for 1st group back at Lincoln
  • Journal Entry #3: DUE MONDAY
  • Apostrophe assignments (NO RED INK site)...QUIZ ON MONDAY!
  • Russia Reflections:  DUE MONDAY
  • Assess/grade your partner/group:  DUE MONDAY
  • Russia map studies:  BE READY FOR QUIZ TUESDAY!
  • Read, read, read, read!  You should be reading for 30 minutes, uninterrupted, every single day.  While there is no assignment associated with free reading outside of the school day at the moment, research shows that kids who do this improve/sustain their reading abilities.  (It makes sense, right?  Practice usually leads individuals to get better or stay fit in an area.) Eventually, there will be a reading blog that you will be keeping, so be prepared! :)
Parents, I know this seems like a lot of work for the weekend.  Most of the assignments are very short, and students have either known about them or been given ample time in class to complete them.  We have a morning homework club, called the Sunrise Club, in Room 208 (the 2nd floor computer lab), and there is an after school homework club, just called Homework Club, in the LMC.  Likewise, I arrive to school at 6:50 every morning (6:30 on Fridays), and except for Tuesdays when I have Student Council, I am available most days after school until 4. (I do leave if no kids show up sometime, so students should let me know they're coming if they need me to wait.)  

Please, please, please email me over the weekend with concerns.  Don't wait until the last minute.  I will be checking Edmodo and school mail all weekend off and on while I grade writing prompts and journal entries and late work. :)  HAVE A GREAT WEEKEND!  BE SAFE!