November 15, 2012

Thursday, November 15, 2012

REMINDER:  LANGUAGE ARTS CLASSES ARE WALKING TO THE MAIN LIBRARY TOMORROW.  Please dress appropriately for the weather and for walking.  We will have a tour of the library and learn some helpful information for NHD.  Bring your library cards because you will have a few minutes to visit the young adult section and check out books.

Advanced Math:  We finished up the preliminary discussion for 2.3 and got a pretty good start on it.  The majority of students were almost finished.  Assignment for tomorrow:  Finish 2.3, do p.23 #6.

Language Arts: Today was our last day of poetry for awhile.  Students wrote "I Can't Write a Poem" poems, applying their knowledge about sound/poetic devices.  Since these were turned in as an exit ticket, there is no new homework for tomorrow.  A few students are still missing their ekphrastic poems, the last journal entry (#5--the second #5; I made a mistake with my numbering), and credo poems.  These students have detention with me after school in order to get their work done.

National History Day:  Students were given a list of databases that they can use to research their topics.  We will finalize topics after students have had some time to do the necessary research.  Basically, a topic is approved if the student can justify its connection to the NHD theme, Turning Points in History.