October 15, 2013

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Advanced Math:  We took a quiz today.  Your homework for tomorrow is to do Problem 3.1, Part A (which is pages 1-4 in Investigation 3 on the iPads.) If you are interested in the talent search, your first set of problems is due on November 1.

Language Arts:  Spooky stories were handed back.  Your assignment is to take the revision suggestions that Ms. Porter and I gave you, along with the new direction to add sensory details, 3 instances of foreshadow, and 1 symbol to your story, and write a Draft 2 by Thursday morning (before class).  You need to type this draft up and email it to one of us.  Block 1 will email their stories to me.  Block 2 (last names A-M) will also email their stories to me.  Block 2 (last names L-Z) will email their stories to Ms. Porter, as will Block 3.

Here is the rubric that we will use to grade your FINAL spooky stories: