March 19, 2013

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Happy FREEZING Tuesday! My fingers are turning to icicles as I type this.  Anyone else tired of Old Man Winter?  

Advanced Math:  For tomorrow, you need to complete Investigation 2.2 and BE READY FOR A QUIZ!

Language Arts:  Novel project due Friday!  Those of you with missing work have permanent detention after school until you are caught up.

Social Studies:  Study the map Mr. Sprain posted on Edmodo. 

In other news: 
  • Tomorrow is the LAST day for the Student Council change drive. If we raise at least $500, Mr. Check will be taped to the gym wall.  If we raise $1000, we will have a school-wide pizza party. 
  • Tomorrow's dress-up day for Spirit Week is SUPER HERO DAY. Dress up like your favorite super hero.