December 10, 2012

Monday, December 10, 2012

Happy snowy Monday!

Advanced Math:  Students finished up 1.4, and the assignment (which will be used as a formative assessment) is p. 15, 25-30, due at the beginning of class tomorrow.

Language Arts:  Debate essay is due Friday.  Directions are on Edmodo, and there will be no more class time devoted to this task.  I am available after and before school every day, except Thursday after school.  Also, if you need to use a computer, Homework Club in the LMC is available after school, and so is Sunrise Club in Room 208.

Social Studies:  NHD group should have a list of 5 usable resources located at the Main Library so that when we go to the library with Language Arts classes Wednesday or Thursday, these resources can be checked out or read from.